Empowering Your Everyday and Beyond

일상과 비즈니스에서 필요한 정보를 제공하여 독자들이 더 나은 선택을 할 수 있기를 바랍니다


영어 면접 질문 10개 + 예시 보기

테크저널 2024. 3. 13. 11:23


외국계 또는 국내 기업의 취업 문은 날이 갈수록 좁아지고 있습니다. 채용절차에 빠지지 않는 코스인 '영어 인터뷰'. 1차 관문으로 보통 기업 인사 담당자와 인터뷰를 진행합니다. 어떻게 준비하면 될까요? 자주 나오는 면접 질문과 예시를 공유합니다.


1. Tell me about yourself. (자기소개) My position is a [x] for a global company based in [x]. I joined the company in [x]. I started off without an office. My job responsibilities have been conducting market research, setting up the processes, and making the business fully operational. My job tasks are primarily growing sales by managing existing customers, cooperating with our partners, and finding new customers. 


2. Why are you applying for the position? (지원동기) I'm applying for the position because I would like to explore if this can be an opportunity to grow professionally and personally. I still have many areas to improve and a passion for taking on new challenges, but I feel comfortable right now and need a source of motivation to push myself. I might be wrong, but my gut tells me that this is going to be a harder task, but I'm willing to take the risk.


3. Why do you think you are fit for the role? (직무 적합성) Simply put, I qualify for the position. First, I can speak English, Chinese, and Japanese. Second, I have [x] years of work experience, mainly in the field of sales and marketing. Third, I can work independently and have the personality of an entrepreneur. Last but not least, I have the experience and knowledge of the B2B business. It's the field, I should say, that I specialize in. 



4. What are your accomplishments? (업무 성과) Throughout my career, my notable accomplishments have been either growing sales in the position I was in or putting the team in a position to succeed. To name a few, 1) I grew sales from almost 0 to [x] for my current employer in the last two years 2) my goal is [x] sales this year 3) When I worked for [x], I was responsible for growing sales from [x] KRW. By the time I left the company, I was projecting the sales to be in-between [x] to [x] KRW. 


5. What are your strengths and weaknesses? (자신의 장점과 단점) My strenghs are 1) I pay attention to details 2) I like to think strategically 3) and I have a sense of responsibility. My weakness are 1) sometimes I'm just too honest. I openly talked to people what I truly think about. But now I think twice because I can hurt people's feeling. Maybe some people are looking for a sympathy not a solution. Thus, I try to think "in their own shoes." 


6. What was your most challenging task? (가장 힘들었던 일) The most challenging task was establishing the relationship with people. I had to be cooperative with people at the headquarter, counterparts at our factory in China, and our closest partners in Korea. It took time to build trust and understand each other. 


7. How is your compensation package looks like? (현재 연봉과 희망 연봉) My annual compensation looks like [x] KRW plus 25% bonus. The [x] KRW is consist of a base salary and some fringe benefits. My expectation is [x] to [x] KRW + a bonus. 


8. Are you familar with our product? (회사 제품과 서비스를 잘 아는지?) Yes and no. I was surprised to see industrial machines because we sell similar type of solution in the factory automation. I have seen local ones, Chinese brands, Japanese brands, and etc., but I have not seen yours in the market. All other products seem unfamiliar, but it's not my first time seeing them in the market. 


9. How confident are you for running this business? (직무에 자신이 있는지?) Very confident. I know what to do right off the bet. If I were to start the work tomorrow, then I would contact 50 local distributors that I know already. I know where and how to sell them online through more or less 100 online distributors. I can probably find more distributors without much effort. 


10. What are your plans in the next 3, 5, and 10 years? (미래 계획) I want to build a solid business in Korea in the next 3 years. Then I would like to give a shot at managing another location in Europe. In 10 years, I would like to manage Central European region. 
